Berry Labneh Dessert & The 4th of July

*Originally posted to InterfaithFamily

*Originally posted to InterfaithFamily

I agonized over writing a 4th of July recipe, not because the recipe itself is complicated (it’s not). But everything around it is.

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with what it means to be an American. When I think of the 4th of July, I think of American flags proudly waving in the wind, barbecues with family, and red, white and blue fireworks: a sense of pride in being American. But it has become increasingly difficult to be proud to be American. It’s hard to be when children are being separated from their families; when there are so few consequences for police brutality against Black people; when children and their teachers are being gunned down at schools.

Earlier this year, Natalie Portman famously took to social media to say, “Like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can be critical of the leadership in Israel without wanting to boycott the entire nation.” Whether you are American, Israeli, Jewish or some combination of these, you know there are varying shades of gray.

The other day, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts interview Michael Twitty, a brilliant culinary historian, author, and chef. Twitty identifies as a Jewish, gay, Black and southern. In the episode, he said, “America is the only place on earth where I’m possible.” While I can’t get behind all of the horrible things happening in our country right now, I would also literally not exist if my Japanese Mom and Japanese American Dad hadn’t met here. It is one of the few places on earth where being a proud Japanese American Jew is possible. So this year, I’m making this labneh on the 4th as planned— in gratitude to this country for making my existence possible, for theoretically being able to protest freely, and as a reminder that we should all be created equal.

4th of July Berry Labneh Dessert Prep.jpg

Last year, when my husband Bryan and I visited Israel for the first time, I was naturally very excited about the food. I had heard about how amazing the hummus is there (it is), but what I was really blown away by was the labneh- a tangy Middle Eastern strained yogurt that’s both impossibly smooth and luxuriously creamy. It’s like a way better version of cream cheese! While it’s usually served as a savory side dish, I thought it would make an excellent base for a light summer dessert.

Star Spangled Berry Labneh Dessert for 4th of July

Serves: 6

Name of image (title of post is fine)

Total Prep time:

Total Hands-on time:

Ingredients – Labneh:
  • 24 ounce container of yogurt (I used coconut yogurt, but you can also use dairy yogurt)
  • 1/4 tsp. sea salt
  • 2 inch pod of vanilla, scraped
  • 2 Tbsp. maple syrup

Ingredients – Toppings:
  • handful of blackberries
  • handful of blueberries
  • handful of raspberries
  • 1/4 cup coconut chips, toasted
  • 1/4 cup freeze-dried raspberries

  1. Stir labneh ingredients well.
  2. Place two layers of cheesecloth in a medium-sized colander. Place the colander in a bowl, making sure there’s enough space between the colander and the bowl for liquid to drain. Place the labneh mixture on the cheesecloth and cover with additional layers of cheesecloth.
  3. Place labneh mixture in the fridge for 10-12 hours.
  4. Scoop the labneh into a serving bowl and swirl the top with a spatula or a spoon to create a smooth surface.
  5. Garnish with toppings, sprinkling with freeze-dried raspberries and coconut chips last for a bit of unexpected crunch.
  6. Serve with a spoon and some biscuits (like strawberry shortcake) or shortbread cookies.
Berry Labneh Dessert Front On.jpg
Sweet Berry Labneh Overhead.jpg

Head here to visit our Modern Heirlooms web shop, where I've thoughtfully co-created ritual objects with my favorite artisans (in limited runs) to help you elevate your sacred rituals. 

I truly believe that cuisine is the most accessible gateway into learning more about our rich heritages. In addition to food, there are so many ways to celebrate, honor, and even reclaim, our time-honored traditions. I believe ritual objects really help anchor us in these moments-- especially around the table.